terça-feira, novembro 28, 2006

Novidades - DR3 e SD11

Bem, enquanto o Usual anda ocupado a acabar de pôr aqui o material referente ao Pharaoh Tour, achei que devia dar uma mãozinha e deixar aqui as últimas novidades.

1- Está confirmada a saída do set Dark Revelations 3. Boosters deste set serão incluídos no Ultimate Edition 2, um pack que traz 2 boosters de DR3 e a carta promocional Dragon Master Knight. (Relembro que o Ultimate Edition 1 trazia 2 boosters de DR2 e um Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon e nunca chegou cá a Portugal.)
Dark Revelations 3 contém reprints dos sets Soul of the Duelist, Rise of Destiny, Flaming Eternity e The Lost Millenium. Não traz cartas novas.

2- Já está confirmada a lista completa do Structure Deck (SD11) que vai sair a seguir ao de Machines. Chama-se Surge of Radiance e terá como tema base Fairys e Counter-Traps.
De realçar os reprints de Widespread Ruin e Solemn Judgement e algumas das cartas novas, como Jeroen Duo, Calling Nova e Intelligent Angel - Harvest.
Todos os nomes são ainda provisórios.

Aqui ficam as cartas novas:

Airhero (?) - Neo Parshath
This card can be special summon by sacrificing a [Airknight - Perseus] from your field. When this card attack monster is defense mode, this card's attack strength is higher than the defense strength of the defending monster, deal battle damage to opponent equal to the difference. Also, when this card does battle damages to opponent, draw a card from your deck. When [Sanctuary of Sky] is on the field, when your lifepoint is higher than opponent's lifepoint, increase this card's attack and defense strength by that difference.

Airsaint (?) - Melltius
When this card is face-up on the field, when a Counter Trap is activate increase your lifepoint by 1000. Also when [Sanctuary of Sky] is on the field, destroy a card on opponent's field.

Intelligent Angel - Harvest
When this card is destroy and sent to Graveyard by battle, you may add a Counter Trap from your Graveyard into your hand.

Guide of Victory - Freya
When you have other Angel type monster(s) outside of [Guide of Victory - Freya] on your field, this card cannot be target of attack. When this card is face-up on the field, increase the attack and defense strength of Angel type monsters on your field by 400.

Calling Nova
When this card is destroy as result of battle and sent to Graveyard, you can choose and special summon a Light/Angel monster from your deck with attack strength of 1500 or less onto your field. When [Sanctuary of Sky] is on the field, you can special summon an [Airknight - Perseus] instead.

Holy Jeral
When [Sanctuary of Sky] is on the field, when this card is sent to Graveyard outside of by being destroyed in battle, increase your lifepoint by 1000.

Jeroen Duo
This card cannot be destroy as result of battle. When this card's controller suffer damages, destroy this face-up card on the field. When sacrifice summon for a Light/Angel monster, this monster can be treated as two sacrifices.

Divine Protection of Goddess
Trap - Continuous
Increase your lifepoints by 3000. When this card is face-up on the field when leaving the field, you suffer 3000 point damages.

E aqui fica uma lista completa do deck:
Airhero - Neo Perseus (novo)
Airsaint - Mellius (novo)
Intelligent Angel - Harvest (novo)
Guide of Victory - Freya (novo)
Calling Nova (novo)
Holy Jeral (novo)
Jeroen Duo (novo)
Dunames Dark Witch
Shining Angel x2
Soul of Purity and Light
Airknight Parshath x2
Guardian Angel - Joan
Agent of Force - Mars
Absorbing Kid From the Sky
Royal Knight
Bountiful Artemis
Layard the Liberator
Voltanis the Adjudicator
Mystical Space Typhoon
Nobleman of Crossout
Premature Burial
Swords of Revealing Light
Heavy Storm
Cestus of Dagla
The Sanctuary in the Sky x2
Lightning Vortex
Magical Mallet
Divine Protection of Goddess (novo)
Widespread Ruin
Negate Attack x2
Solemn Judgment
Magic Jammer
Seven Tools of the Bandit
Beckoning of Light
Divine Wrath

fonte: http://www.dmcomet.net/news/93.htm

segunda-feira, novembro 27, 2006

Deck Lists - 2º Lugar e 3º Lugar

Deck do 2º Classificado – Vasco Martins

Monstros (19)
Spirit Reaper
Mystic Swordsman L V2
Exiled Force
Injection Fairy Lily
Elemental Hero Wildheart
D. D. Warrior Lady
2 Mirage Dragon
Breaker the Magical Warrior
2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Exarion Universe
3 Berserk Gorilla
2 Cyber Dragon

Mágicas (14)
Espadas da Luz Reveladora
Graceful Charity
Heavy Storm
Last Will
Nobleman of Crossout
Reinforcement of the Army
2 Smashing Ground
Premature Burial
Book of Moon
Enemy Controller
Mystical Space Typhoon

Armadilhas (7)
Mirror Force
Ring of Destruction
3 Sakuretsu Armor
Torrential Tribute
Call of the Haunted

Side Deck
Magician of Faith
2King Tiger Wanghu
Reflect Bounder
Asura Priest
Spell Canceller
Mobius the Frost Monarch
2 Giant Trunade
Reinforcement of the Army
2 Dust Tornado
Magic Cylinder

Deck do 3º Classificado – André Monteiro [Neji]

Monstros (23)
3Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
2Mystic Tomato
2Apprentice Magician
2Old Vindictive Magician
1Magician of Faith
3Cyber Dragon
3Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
3Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
1Breaker the Magical Warrior
1Spirit Reaper
1Treeborn Frog

Mágicas (10)
1Heavy Storm
1Mystical Space Typhoon
1Graceful Charity
1Pot of Avarice
2Brain Control
1Soul Exchange
1Nobleman of Crossout

Armadilhas (7)
1Mirror Force
1Torrential Tribute
3Sakuretsu Armor
1Ring of Destruction
1Bottomless Trap Hole

3Wave-Motion Cannon
3Mobius the Frost Monarch
1Emergency Provisions
1Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
1Magic Cylinder
1Return from the Different Dimension

domingo, novembro 26, 2006

Pharaoh Tour Portugal - Top32

Aqui fica o Top32 com acesso à final em Madrid.
(clicar para expandir)

Pharaoh Tour Portugal - Report e Resultados

Final em mais um grande torneio, e como sempre a mesma sensação de cansaço ao fim do dia.

Desta vez 50 jogadores juntaram-se em Coimbra, para levar a efeito a fase mais importante do Pharaoh Tour.
Longe dos 100 pretendidos, mas ainda assim um número apreciável, tendo em conta os problemas de mau tempo que têm assolado o país.
Triste, no entanto, nem um representante de Campo Maior…

Este tipo de torneios provoca sempre situações muito engraçadas. É que é sempre um momento hilário quando se conhece pessoalmente certa malta que anda por esses fóruns a mandar vir com Deus e todo o mundo, e ameaça, e disparata.
No entanto, são Rambos na net, mas uns cordeirinhos fora dela!

Sempre agradável a mini loja da Diver, com os preços de promoção, a levar muita gente a ir ao fundo da carteira, embora, em minha opinião, não se tenha atingido os níveis de loucura no Nacional, com boosters a voarem…

O torneio em si decorreu sem qualquer espécie de problema, de forma ordeira e de maneira surpreendentemente rápida, tendo em conta as 6 rondas em swiss format e top8 de que foi constituído.

Aqui o vosso amigo entrou, jogou os primeiros 6 jogos e, bahh, esqueçam, foi mau de mais para contar!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Em termos de metagame, fica a sincera opinião que este está a melhorar, mais gente com bons decks, e a saber jogá-los, e com uma agradável diversidade, embora pareça que monarchs eram dominantes (também é o melhor deck actual…).
Isso imediatamente causa mais imprevisibilidade nos resultados, e já não há vitórias garantidas.
Claro está que muitos vão agora dizer que o que tiveram foi azar, e que a sorte dos outros foi demais.
Mas meus amigos, isto afinal é um jogo de cartas, e a sorte e o azar estão sempre presentes.

Pontos que me desiludiram:
A quantidade de pessoas que desconhece este blog!!
Pessoal, mas por onde é que vocês andam…?

Estar a queixar-me do trabalho que dá fazer um report, e um puto com idade para ser meu filho, afirmar que às tantas ainda era pago para fazer aquilo! What the...????

Ah, e ter levado uma máquina fotográfica sem bateria, desculpem lá as fotografias…

Vamos mas é a resultados, mas não esqueçam que ainda irei colocar três reports relativos a jogos do top8 e as classificações todas (mas isso fica para depois)

1º Carlos Brites (6-0)
2º Luis Filipe – [Uchiha Sasuke] (5-1)
3º Vasco Martins (5-1)
4º João Rocha – [Benoit] – (5-1)
5º Bernardo Rainho - [B77] (5-1)
6º Luís Leite [Bombermen] – (5-1)
7º André Monteiro [Neji] – (4-2)
8º João Martins – (4-2)

Nos quartos de final:
Carlos Brites vs João Martins– (2-1?)
Luís Filipe vs André Monteiro – (1-2)
Vasco Martins vs Luís Leite (2-0)
João Rocha vs Bernardo Rainho(2-0)

Meias finais:
Vasco Martins vs André Monteiro (2-1)
João Rocha vs Carlos Brites (2-1)

João Rocha vs Vasco Martins (2-1)

Deck do João Rocha (sim, aquele que me venceu no Dragão...)

Monstros (22)
zaborg 2x
cyber dragon 2x
Treeborn frog
don zaloog
Breaker the magical warrior
mystic tomato 2x
magician of faith
exiled force 2x
dekoichi 2x
old vindictive
cyber stein
aprrentice magician

Spells (12)
smashing ground
heavy storm
brain control
nobleman of crossout
book of moon
last will
creature swap
premature burial
mystical space typhoon

traps (7)
torrential tribute
sakuretsu armor 2x
bottomless trap hole
ring of destruction
mirror force
call of the haunted

Fusion deck:
Cyber Twin Dragon

quinta-feira, novembro 23, 2006

Victory Dragon lançado!!

Avançei com a notícia aqui. Entretanto, chega agora a confirmação, pois foi já lançada nos EUA a revista Shonen Jump que contém:


8 Stars
ATK/2400 DEF/3000
This card cannot be Special Summoned. To Tribute Summon this card, you must Tribute 3 Dragon-Type monsters. If this card attacks your opponent directly and reduces their Life Points to 0, you win the match.
Secret Rare

segunda-feira, novembro 20, 2006

Pharaoh Tour Portugal

Pela primeira vez em território nacional vai ser organizado um Pharaoh Tour que vai qualificar 32 Jogadores para participarem na Final Ibérica

Quem pode participar ? Todos os jogadores, desde os "profissionais" até aos “jogadores de fim de semana”, passando pelos que vão participar pela primeira vez num torneio. Necessário levar Deck e boa disposição.

O que se pode esperar deste torneio ?

- Uma das maiores afluências de jogadores um pouco de todo o Pais.
- Um dia bem passado, a competir com os melhores dos melhores Jogadores Portugueses.
- Prémios para todos os participantes.
- Loja no site com preços ... bom ... so vistos

Mais Detalhes:

Local: Coimbra - Pavilhão Multidesportos (junto ao Dolce Vita) - Praça Heróis do Ultramar (mesmo local do nacional 2006)

Hora: Inicio as 10:30h

Inscrição: 15€

Prémios: por volta dos 1000€ em prémios dos quais a destacar:

- 32 entradas para a final do Pharaoh Tour em Madrid
- 12 collectors Tins 2006
- 4 booster por Jogador (3 dos quais de participação)
- Vales no total de 250€ oferecido pela Diver on line para comprar singles de Yu-gi-oh! no seu site. Premio sorteado (50€)*
- “Toon Magician Girl” para todos os participantes
- 2 x Tokens (azul e laranja) para os primeiros inscritos (quantidade limitada)
- "Special trophy" da UDE para o Top 4
- T-shirt Yu-Gi-Oh! para sortear e para os melhores classificados
- Prémios oferecidos pela GAME STAGE
- e mais....

Divisão de premios (provisorios .. pode aumentar)

1º Lugar - Set 6 Tins 2006 + 1 Display de Boosters + vale de 100€ (singles na Diver On-Line)
2º Lugar - Set das 3 Tins (1ª série ou 2ª) + 12 Boosters + Vale de 50€
3º e 4º Lugar - 12 Boosters + Vale de 25€
5º a 8º Lugar - a confirmar ....

quarta-feira, novembro 15, 2006

Champion Pack - Spoiler

Foi hoje conhecido o spoiler completo do Champion Pack nº1, os packs que irão substituir os Tournament Packs (TP).
E pode-se dizer que a Upperdeck desta vez está a pensar nos jogadores, já que as cartas incluídas são bem melhores que os anteriores TP, com uma série de cartas que podem entrar directamente para Main ou Side deck.

Ultra Rara
CP01-EN001 Satalite Cannon Ultra Rare

Super Raras
CP01-EN002 Book Of Moon
CP01-EN003 Metamorphosis
CP01-EN004 Sakuretsu Armor
CP01-EN005 Night Assailant

CP01-EN006 Big Shield Gardna
CP01-EN007 Limiter Removal
CP01-EN008 Solemn Judgment
CP01-EN009 Reflect Bounder
CP01-EN010 Enemy Controller
CP01-EN011 Pot Of Avarice

CP01-EN012 Thunder Kid
CP01-EN013 Mysterious Guard
CP01-EN014 King Tiger Wanghu
CP01-EN015 My Body As A Shield
CP01-EN016 Final Countdown
CP01-EN017 Mudora
CP01-EN018 Stealth Bird
CP01-EN019 Emissary Of The Afterlife
CP01-EN020 Threatening Roar


Para os que não sabem, estive durante estes últimos dias em mudança de casa, e só a partir de hoje voltei a ter ligação Internet.

Assim, irei começar o mais rapidamente possível a actualizar este blog, havendo já grandes notícias surgidas nestes últimos dias que irão merecer destaque.

Mantenham-se “ligados”!

João Amaral aka Usual Suspect

quinta-feira, novembro 09, 2006

Academy Duel Disk - Special Set

Foi lançado hoje no Japão uma edição especial do Academy Duel Disk – Special Set, que para além do brinquedo, traz 4 boosters de cada um dos novos Duelist Packs, bem como versões alternativas Ultra Raras das cartas:

ADDS-JP001 - Cyber Dragon

ADDS-JP002 - Cyber End Dragon
Fonte: XYZ no Forum BBS

terça-feira, novembro 07, 2006

Elemental Hero Collection - Update

É já conhecido o conteúdo de

Elemental Hero Collection 1:
- Elemental Hero Avian
- Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
- Elemental Hero Bubbleman
- Elemental Hero Flame Wingman

Elemental Hero Collection 2:
- Elemental Hero Sparkman
- Elemental Hero Clayman
- Elemental Hero Wildheart
- Elemental Hero Thunder Giant

Como foi dito abaixo, tais cartas virão em formato Secret Rare.
Para além disso, cada pack terá 4 booster packs: The Lost Millennium, Elemental Energy, Power of the Duelist, e Cyberdark Impact.
Por último, virá igualmente com um poster com as fusões possíveis de realizar com os Heros.

segunda-feira, novembro 06, 2006

"Official" Tag Team Rules

Durante muito tempo se falou de Tag Team Rules, e quando sairiam.
Pelos vistos, as primeiras estão agora a começar a aparecer, e embora ainda não estejam no site da Upperdeck, são no entanto aprovadas por esta.

- Each player needs their own Deck, 2 players make a team.

- Each team shares 8000 Life Points. When they drop to 0 your team loses.

- Take turns in this order: Team A’s Player 1 >> Team B’s Player 1 >> Team A’s Player 2 >> Team B’s player 2 (This is the first player who can make an attack.)
- You can Tribute your partner’s monsters for your cards or Tribute Summons.

- Cards that say “your opponent’s side of the field” mean both opponents. So if each of your opponents had two face-up monsters out, “Lightning Vortex” would destroy all four of them!

- You can’t attack the other teams' Life Points directly unless neither of them have a monster.

Fonte (e o Kevin Tewart confirmou-as).

domingo, novembro 05, 2006

SneaK Preview de Cyberdark Impact

Como devem ter reparado, continuo sem dizer nada sobre a expansão Cyberdark Impact, simplesmente porque nem sei o que hei-de dizer, tal é o gabarito das cartas involvidas.
Ontem foi o Sneak Preview, e por cá continuamos a esperar que também haja um, pois apesar de tudo, eu sem dúvida que lá vou estar.

Ainda assim, aqui fica a imagem da carta promocional dada, sendo certo que nós nunca a teremos.

[Trap Card]
Activate only when your opponent declares an attack against a face-up Normal Monster on your side of the field. Destroy all face-up Attack Position monsters, except Normal Monsters.
Ultra Rare

sábado, novembro 04, 2006


Dentro de quinze dias irão sair dois packs especiais, chamados Elemental Hero Collection (nº1 e nº2) e cada um trará 4 Elemental Heros Secret Rare, 4 booster packs e um poster a demonstrar todas as possibilidades de fusão desses Heros.

Entretanto, está já confirmado o modo de saída da carta Dragon Master Knight, pois pelos vistos a Ude vai fazer um Ultimate Edition 2 (a primeira pode ser vista aqui e trazia o Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon).
Fonte: Metagame

Errata para o Justi-Break

Vai sair hoje mas já tem errata…

Directamente da lista de juízes:

"This is a notification of errata to the card "Justi-Break" from Cyberdark Impact.

Apparently the original Japanese text for this card was so confusing that nobody could agree on the function of the card. Japanese is unfortunately a very vague language by nature, and writing TCG card game text in Japanese can cause significant problems because TCG card text needs to be simple yet precise.

After originally deciding that the effect of "Justi-Break" worked 1 way (the way that the card was printed for English), Konami changed their minds and decided it actually works a different way. So we will errata the card.

The GOOD news is that the errata version is actually stronger than the printed version. So there's a silver lining to all of this.

Here is the revised text:
[Activate only when your opponent declares an attack against a face-up Normal Monster on your side of the field. Destroy all monsters on the field, except face-up Attack Position Normal Monsters.]

The original wording made it more like a double-Mirror Force. The card is actually like Dark Hole, with Attack Position Normal Monsters being immune to its effect.

Kevin Tewart
Senior Game Designer
UDE Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG R&D Lead
Upper Deck Entertainment

GX Manga Comic Vol.1

Foi ontem posto à venda no Japão a primeira revista de Anime-manga, baseada no Yu-Gi-OH! GX.

Trás, como sempre é habitual, uma carta promocional, por sinal muito interessante:

Light and Darkness Dragon
This card cannot be special summoned. This cards attribute is also treated as "Dark". As long as this card is face up on your side of the field the activation of magic/trap and effect monster cards are negated. For every card activation that this card negates this card reduces it's ATK and DEF by 500. When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, select one monster from your graveyard. Destroy every card on your side of the field and special summon the selected monster to your side of the field.

quinta-feira, novembro 02, 2006

Cyberdark Impact - General Rules

Directamente da lista de árbitros:

Dear Judges,

It's time to start prepping for the Cyberdark Impact Sneak Preview this weekend, since a number of you will probably be judging.

As some of you may be aware, there are a few cards in CDIP that revolve around the placement of cards on the field. Just so that everyone is clear, I want to elaborate on some of the issues this will bring up.

Let's take the new card "Rampaging Rhynos" as an example. It has this effect: "Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. If this card attacks the monster in its same column, this card gains 500 ATK during the Damage Step."

As you're all aware, a game mat in Yu-Gi-Oh! is divided into 5 columns for the Monster Card Zones and for the Spell & Trap Card zones. If Rhynos is in the center column (for example), and attacks a monster in the center column of the opponent, then he gets his +500 ATK bonus for that attack.

This immediately brings up some questions about where and how cards are played. Since Yu-Gi-Oh! is primarily a fast and fun game, most people don't pay careful attention to where on the field their cards are used. Also, many players don't use game mats. All of this is fine. We want to keep Yu-Gi-Oh! fast and fun, and we have no interest in forcing people to use game mats. We do, however, expect people to follow a few common sense rules.

1. Please make it clear to your players that they should not be moving cards around on the field, unless the card specifically allows it. (For example, Rhynos can move around using its effect. But Jinzo cannot.)

2. When not using a game mat, cards should be played as if there was an imaginary grid of 5 columns, each 1 card-length wide. In other words, imagine you have 5 Defense Position monsters all turned sideways. Those are your 5 columns. It should be easy to approximate columns this way, even if a game mat isn't used.

3. Let's talk about "scrunching". There's a tendency to "scrunch" your cards together when a hole opens up. For example, I have 3 Defense Position monsters, and you destroy the center one. I have a habit of "scrunching" my other 2 together so that they're now side-by-side. Please tell your players not to do this. So I have to leave a hole there between my monsters, to represent the vacant Monster Card Zone. (Sorry, scrunchers! I feel your pain.)

4. "Where can I play my cards?!?!" ANSWER: ANYWHERE YOU WANT. You DON'T have to start on the left and work your way to the right. You DON'T have to start in the middle and then alternate on the sides. You can play your cards into any unoccupied space on your side of the field.

5. "What if I remove a monster from play with Interdimensional Matter Transporter? Does it have to go back to the same zone it started in?" ANSWER: nope. You can put it in any of your unoccupied Monster Zones.

6. I think the biggest "problem" will be remembering to put cards back where they came from when players pick them up to read them. Shouldn't be too hard, though.

Now, as to some judging elements:

FIRST, the purpose of a Sneak Preview event is to have fun and to check out the newest cards. It's not a place for cutthroat play. It's not a place for rules-sharking. If anybody requests a penalty to be assigned to their opponent because their opponent innocently moved a card around, we suggest you give a penalty to the requester instead. We have zero tolerance for that kind of behavior. "Rules sharking" is Unsporting Conduct at best.

SECOND, obviously people who maliciously, deliberately, or repeatedly keep moving their cards around need to be warned to stop doing so. Use your judgment.

THIRD, some people use things like dice to represent the number of Token Monsters they control. Unfortunately this does not allow for any positioning and should be avoided. (Example: placing a single die at "4" after using Scapegoat isn't good. On the other hand, placing FOUR dice on the table in 4 different zones to represent the Sheep might be ok. Even this isn't ideal, because dice don't have a way of indicating Attack Position vs. Defense Position. Using Token Cards or some other equivalent is best.)

Kevin Tewart
Senior Game Designer
UDE Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG R&D Lead
Upper Deck Entertainment

quarta-feira, novembro 01, 2006

Valuable Book nº9

Para melhor se perceber a mecânica dos decks colocados num post abaixo, aqui ficam algumas das cartas japonesas ali utilizadas e que ainda não tinha colocado neste blog.

Estas saíram no Valuable Book nº9, em Agosto deste ano.

When this card is Normal Summoned, return all cards removed from play back to their respective Decks. For every card returned by this effect, this card gains 100 ATK. When this card is removed from play, both players remove from play the top 5 cards from their Decks.

Golden Sealed Chest
Normal Spell
Select 1 card from your Deck and remove it from play. During your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation, add the removed card to your hand.

Neste blog podem ainda ver aqui a excelente E-Hero Air-Man .

Yu-Gi-Oh R Vol.3 Promo Card

Esta carta saiu em Setembro deste ano, na revista Yu-Gi-Oh R- vol.3

Messenger of Hades – Gors
When there are no cards on your side of the field and you receive damage from a card controlled by your opponent, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is Special Summoned in this way, it gains the following effects according to the type of damage you received:
- Battle Damage: Special Summon 1 "Envoy of Hades Kaien"-Token (Light/Fairy/7/?/?). The "Envoy of Hades Kaien"-Token's ATK and DEF are equal to the Battle Damage you received.
- Effect Damage: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Effect Damage you received.

Frontier 32 - torneio japonês.

Já há bastante que não coloco umas deck list de torneios japoneses, para se ver o metagame bem diferente que lá vai ganhando.

Aqui fica o Top3 de um torneio chamado Frontier 32.

1st Place

[1] Breaker The Magical Warrior
[1] Jinzo
[3] Dead Spirit Knight - Death Calibur Knight
[3] Red Gadget
[3] Cyber Stein
[3] Cyber Dragon
[3] Green Gadget
[3] Yellow Gadget

[1] Graceful Charity
[3] Smashing Ground
[1] Heavy storm
[1] Confiscation
[1] Limiter Removal
[2] Lightning vortex
[2] Golden Sealed Chest
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[2] Overload fusion

[1] Deck Destruction Virus of Death
[1] Torrential Tribute
[3] Mind Crush
[3] Trap Dustshoot

Side Deck
[1] Threatening Roar
[3] Royal Decree
[3] Dust Tornado
[1] Mirror Force
[1] Ring of Destruction
[3] Messenger of Peace
[1] Pot of Avarice

2nd Place
[3] Messenger of Hades - Gors
[1] Dark Magician of Chaos
[1] Exiled Force
[3] E Hero Airman ×3
[3] D-Hero Diamond Guy ×3

[1] Reasoning
[1] Mining the Magical Stone
[3] Golden Sealed Chest
[1] Graceful Charity
[2] Reinforcement of the Army
[1] Premature Burial
[2] God Sword - Phoenix blade
[2] Dimension fusion
[1] Confiscation
[1] Heavy Storm
[3] Lightning Vortex
[3] Monster Gate
[3] Destiny Draw

[3] Mind crush
[3] Trap Dustshoot

Side Deck
[2] D-HERO Doom Lord
[1] Sangan
[3] Cyber Stein
[2] Giant Trunade
[3] Royal Decree
[3] Megamorph
[1] Deck Destruction Virus of Death

3rd Place

[3] Messenger of Hades - Gors
[1] Dark Magician of Chaos
[1] Exiled Force
[3] E-Hero Airman
[1] D-Hero Doom Lord
[1] D-Hero Dasher
[1] D-Hero Diamond Guy

[1] Reasoning
[3] Golden Chest
[1] Graceful Charity
[1] Heavy Storm
[2] Reinforcement of the Army
[1] Premature Burial
[2] God Sword - the Phoenix blade
[2] Dimensional Fusion
[1] Confiscation
[3] Lightning Vortex
[3] Monster Gate
[3] Destiny draw
[1] E - Emergency Call

[1] Mirror Force
[2] Mind Crush
[2] Trap Dustshoot

Side Deck
[3] D-HERO Diabolic Guy
[2] Enemy Controller
[1] Foolish Burial
[1] Exiled Force
[1] Treeborn Frog
[1] Jinzo
[2] Cold Wave
[2] Mobius the Forst Monarch
[2] Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

Fonte: Fórum Janime