segunda-feira, novembro 06, 2006

"Official" Tag Team Rules

Durante muito tempo se falou de Tag Team Rules, e quando sairiam.
Pelos vistos, as primeiras estão agora a começar a aparecer, e embora ainda não estejam no site da Upperdeck, são no entanto aprovadas por esta.

- Each player needs their own Deck, 2 players make a team.

- Each team shares 8000 Life Points. When they drop to 0 your team loses.

- Take turns in this order: Team A’s Player 1 >> Team B’s Player 1 >> Team A’s Player 2 >> Team B’s player 2 (This is the first player who can make an attack.)
- You can Tribute your partner’s monsters for your cards or Tribute Summons.

- Cards that say “your opponent’s side of the field” mean both opponents. So if each of your opponents had two face-up monsters out, “Lightning Vortex” would destroy all four of them!

- You can’t attack the other teams' Life Points directly unless neither of them have a monster.

Fonte (e o Kevin Tewart confirmou-as).