Novidades - DR3 e SD11
Bem, enquanto o Usual anda ocupado a acabar de pôr aqui o material referente ao Pharaoh Tour, achei que devia dar uma mãozinha e deixar aqui as últimas novidades.
1- Está confirmada a saída do set Dark Revelations 3. Boosters deste set serão incluídos no Ultimate Edition 2, um pack que traz 2 boosters de DR3 e a carta promocional Dragon Master Knight. (Relembro que o Ultimate Edition 1 trazia 2 boosters de DR2 e um Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon e nunca chegou cá a Portugal.)
Dark Revelations 3 contém reprints dos sets Soul of the Duelist, Rise of Destiny, Flaming Eternity e The Lost Millenium. Não traz cartas novas.
2- Já está confirmada a lista completa do Structure Deck (SD11) que vai sair a seguir ao de Machines. Chama-se Surge of Radiance e terá como tema base Fairys e Counter-Traps.
De realçar os reprints de Widespread Ruin e Solemn Judgement e algumas das cartas novas, como Jeroen Duo, Calling Nova e Intelligent Angel - Harvest.
Todos os nomes são ainda provisórios.
Aqui ficam as cartas novas:
Airhero (?) - Neo Parshath
This card can be special summon by sacrificing a [Airknight - Perseus] from your field. When this card attack monster is defense mode, this card's attack strength is higher than the defense strength of the defending monster, deal battle damage to opponent equal to the difference. Also, when this card does battle damages to opponent, draw a card from your deck. When [Sanctuary of Sky] is on the field, when your lifepoint is higher than opponent's lifepoint, increase this card's attack and defense strength by that difference.
Airsaint (?) - Melltius
When this card is face-up on the field, when a Counter Trap is activate increase your lifepoint by 1000. Also when [Sanctuary of Sky] is on the field, destroy a card on opponent's field.
Intelligent Angel - Harvest
When this card is destroy and sent to Graveyard by battle, you may add a Counter Trap from your Graveyard into your hand.
Guide of Victory - Freya
When you have other Angel type monster(s) outside of [Guide of Victory - Freya] on your field, this card cannot be target of attack. When this card is face-up on the field, increase the attack and defense strength of Angel type monsters on your field by 400.
Calling Nova
When this card is destroy as result of battle and sent to Graveyard, you can choose and special summon a Light/Angel monster from your deck with attack strength of 1500 or less onto your field. When [Sanctuary of Sky] is on the field, you can special summon an [Airknight - Perseus] instead.
Holy Jeral
When [Sanctuary of Sky] is on the field, when this card is sent to Graveyard outside of by being destroyed in battle, increase your lifepoint by 1000.
Jeroen Duo
This card cannot be destroy as result of battle. When this card's controller suffer damages, destroy this face-up card on the field. When sacrifice summon for a Light/Angel monster, this monster can be treated as two sacrifices.
Divine Protection of Goddess
Trap - Continuous
Increase your lifepoints by 3000. When this card is face-up on the field when leaving the field, you suffer 3000 point damages.
E aqui fica uma lista completa do deck:
Airhero - Neo Perseus (novo)
Airsaint - Mellius (novo)
Intelligent Angel - Harvest (novo)
Guide of Victory - Freya (novo)
Calling Nova (novo)
Holy Jeral (novo)
Jeroen Duo (novo)
Dunames Dark Witch
Shining Angel x2
Soul of Purity and Light
Airknight Parshath x2
Guardian Angel - Joan
Agent of Force - Mars
Absorbing Kid From the Sky
Royal Knight
Bountiful Artemis
Layard the Liberator
Voltanis the Adjudicator
Mystical Space Typhoon
Nobleman of Crossout
Premature Burial
Swords of Revealing Light
Heavy Storm
Cestus of Dagla
The Sanctuary in the Sky x2
Lightning Vortex
Magical Mallet
Divine Protection of Goddess (novo)
Widespread Ruin
Negate Attack x2
Solemn Judgment
Magic Jammer
Seven Tools of the Bandit
Beckoning of Light
Divine Wrath
Pah pode ser que tenha dekoichi's comuns :)
De resto, vamos ter widspread's comuns com o novo deck, já não é mau :P
Pelo que já consegui desvendar, nesta edição a raridade das cartas mantêm igual á da edição original, ou seja, os dekoichis continuam a ser raros, assim como a fenix contiua a ser ultra rara, assim sendo temos mais outra grande edição da UDE, que se recomenda profundamente a todos....mais uma vez podemos dizer que a UDE que faz a minima ideia de como se joga YU-GI-OH!
Too bad !
Isto tudo do DR3 já se sabe há um ano, basta saber procurar:
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