segunda-feira, outubro 10, 2005

Opinião de um Árbitro em Atlanta

Um dos árbitros presentes no torneio em Atlanta escreveu isto num forum e parece-me que deve ser lido com muita atenção (partes a negro são da minha responsabilidade).

"For those of you making rush judgements of the meta... take it from the guys who played and this one, who judged.

There was a very wide spectrum of decks, what hit Top 8 in no way indicated the entire field.

I saw a full blown Chaos deck, with a good build, go 1-3.
Horus decks were out there, though they had big flaws only a couple of unreleased cards can fix.
There were tons of gravekeeper decks... I saw more Necrovalleys than anything outside of Cyber Dragon and D.D. Assailant.
OTK decks were present in the form of Rescue Cat & Cyber End.

Also, after cycling through pages of "decks sucked...etc." Remember that the build is only a part of the equation. Consistency, Player skill level, Luck, Environment, Familiarness with the deck, Fatigue, Nervousness, etc... there's a ton of variables that go into a win or a loss. While Cerda did have an excellent build, other factors influenced Jensen's victory.

Also, remember that we are US & Canada... apparently we are supposed to suck at deck building anyway. lol

As for the meta as a whole, November is big month and we get a good number cards.

Also interesting was the number of players digging back into the antiquity of MRL, PSV, and the like to find new options for a blank slate format.

People really pulled hard from CRV... Drilloid was everywhere in the sideboard, though a few actually MB'd him.

Let me sum up the SJC and the Regional in one word... POTENTIAL. People watched big names struggle and even fall in the new environment... it made them realize maybe without chaos, they might be able to succeed or really compete with big names. When people begin to feel good that they have a legitimate chance, that says we have the potential for a lot of healthy things to happen. One of which will the development of new deck types.

That's my serious stuff..."
Que acharam?