sábado, setembro 10, 2005

10º Miso-G Championship - Japão

Li algures que quando o Kevin Tewart perguntou no Japão sobre o torneios Miso ninguém os conhecia...
No entanto, como este aconteceu neste Domingo, ou seja, já depois das banições, aqui ficam os três primeiros e realmente existem algumas diferenças de torneios passados.

1º Lugar
Gadget Aggro
Monstros: (13)
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Chiron the Mage 2x
Red Gadget 2x
Cyber Dragon 3x
Green Gadget 2x
Injection Fairy Lily
Yellow Gadget 2x

Mágicas: (18)
Nobleman of Crossout 2x
Smashing Ground 3x
Heavy Storm
Brain Control
Shrink 2x
Swords of Revealing Light
Book of Moon
Pot of Greed
Snatch Steal
Limiter Removal
Dark Hole
Shield Crush
Mystical Space Typhoon

Armadilhas: (9)
Sakuretsu Armor 2x
Widespread Ruin 2x
Bottomless Trap Hole 2x
Solemn Judgment 3x

Side deck: (15)
Hannibal Necromancer
Magic Jammer 3x
Royal Decree 2x
King Tiger Wanghu 3x
Dead Spirit Knight 2x
Berserk Gorilla 2x
Spell Effect Arrow 2x

2º Lugar
Aggro com Cyber Dragon & Sacred Phoenix
Monstros: 17
Breaker the magical warrior
Mobius the frost monarch
Tribe infecting virus
Airknight parshath
Dead Spirit Knight - Death Calibur Knight
2x Spirit reaper
Chiron the mage
Sacred phoenix
Hand of phoenix
Exiled force
3x Cyber dragon
2x D.D assailant

Mágicas: 16
Heavy storm
Premature burial
3x Brain control
Swords of revealing light
Book of moon
Pot of greed
Snatch steal
Lightning vortex
Dark hole
Devil's sanctuary
Mystical space typhoon

Armadilhas: 7
Deck destruction virus of death
2x Dust tornado
Torrential tribute
Call of the haunted
2x Bottomless traphole

Cyber jar
Special hurricane
D.D warrior lady
2x Royal decree
Dark magician of chaos
Dead Spirit Knight - Death Calibur Knight
Magician of faith
Magic arrow effect
2x Nobleman of crossout
2x Sakurestu armor

3º Lugar
Monstros: 18
Ryu kokki
Breaker the magical warrior
Tribe infecting virus
2x Spirit reaper
Royal keeper
D.D warrior lady
3x Pyramid turtle
Sacred phoenix
Hands of phoenix
Exiled force
2x Vampire lord

Mágicas: 17
2x Nobleman of crossout
Heavy storm
Premature burial
Brain control
2x Book of life
Card destruction
Swords of revealing light
Book of moon
Pot of greed
Snatch steal
2x Creature swap
Dark hole
Mystical space typhoon

Armadilhas: 5
2x Bottomless traphole
Torrential tribute
Call of the haunted

2x Goblin zombie
3x Skill drain
Hand of phoenix
Lightning vortex
3x Royal decree
Bottomless traphole
3x Sakurestu armor