quinta-feira, abril 05, 2007

Shrink Roubada

Do site: www.yugiohfans.co.uk

"We have just received notice that Shrink, the card won by Ricky Wu at the Pharaoh's Tour has been stolen from the deck box of Daniel Nelson whilst he was attending the Sutton Coldfield Regional Champshionships!

Despite the Police's involvement in the case, the card still remains unfound! It is a one-of-a-kind card with the code of PT02-EN001.

Whilst its easily distinguishing features make it almost impossible to be used or sold by the thief, police are requesting that anyone who spots the card notify them or the local event organiser immediately!"

Convém dizê-lo sempre, tenham atenção às vossas Deck Boxes para não vos acontecer o mesmo.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

n sei pa k o ladrao ker a carta... se for visto com ela ou a jogar ou vende-la as pessoas topam logo .... mas para ter como coleçao tambem n ajuda mt pois kem ker colecionar alguma coisa se n ker mostrar a coleçao?? .... á cada um k aparece

11:05 da manhã  

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