quarta-feira, fevereiro 28, 2007

STON-EN060 - Pulling the Rug - Errata

Da lista de árbitros:

"We are issuing an errata for “Pulling the Rug”. The original Japanese card text was extremely vague (the sentence had no subject), and so the actual effect of the card was open to interpretation. A very liberal interpretation was finally decided for the effect, but this decision was unfortunately made after the card went to press.

Here’s the new text:

Negate the activation and effect of an Effect Monster whose effect activated when a monster was Normal Summoned (even itself), and destroy that Effect Monster.

What this means is that “Pulling the Rug” can also be used to negate and destroy an Effect Monster with a Trigger Effect that activated when a monster was Normal Summoned, (King Tiger Wanghu, Mysterious Puppeteer, etc.) in addition to an Effect Monster whose own effect activated when it was Normal Summoned (Zaborg the Thunder Monarch, etc.).

Justin Reilly
Associate Game Designer
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG R&D
Upper Deck Entertainment"


Anonymous Anónimo said...

isto nega exiled forces??

12:59 da tarde  
Blogger Usual Suspect said...


Vê mais abaixo, quando fiz a review desta carta, já diz lá isso, com base nas regras que sairam da UDE.

3:35 da tarde  

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