Novos Lançamentos - Upperdeck
De um press release de hoje por parte da Upperdeck, que fala sobre os lançamentos previstos para este ano, nomeadamente as Tins, novo Structure Deck e uma nova expansão, a grande novidade é o Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Champion Pack, composto por 20 cartas, a sair em Novembro, incluindo Night Assailant e Book of Moon em Super Raro, e uma nova Ultra Rara – Satellite Cannon.
“The Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Champion Pack contains 20 highly-competitive cards from winning tournament decks and a brand new Ultra Rare card. Made exclusively for hobby and tournament stores around the world, the new Champion Packs will be available on November 6th. The packs include such Super Rare foil cards as "Night Assailant" and "Book of the Moon," and will introduce the new Ultra Rare Monster Card from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, "Satellite Cannon," which is currently only available in Japan.”
Ver a notícia toda aqui.
Para os mais curiosos:
Satellite Cannon
Light/Machine - Level 5 - 0/0
Effect: This card can’t be destroyed in Battle by any Monster of Level 7 or less. During each of your End Phases, increase this Monster's Attack strength by 1000. After this Monster attacks, its Attack strength becomes 0 again.
“The Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Champion Pack contains 20 highly-competitive cards from winning tournament decks and a brand new Ultra Rare card. Made exclusively for hobby and tournament stores around the world, the new Champion Packs will be available on November 6th. The packs include such Super Rare foil cards as "Night Assailant" and "Book of the Moon," and will introduce the new Ultra Rare Monster Card from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, "Satellite Cannon," which is currently only available in Japan.”
Ver a notícia toda aqui.
Para os mais curiosos:
Satellite Cannon
Light/Machine - Level 5 - 0/0
Effect: This card can’t be destroyed in Battle by any Monster of Level 7 or less. During each of your End Phases, increase this Monster's Attack strength by 1000. After this Monster attacks, its Attack strength becomes 0 again.
Entretanto Kevin Tewart da Upperdeck escreveu isto num forum:
"The Champion Packs are based on a lot of the feedback we've been getting from stores and players. What people really want are to soup up their tournament decks. So we looked at the hot cards in decks (and what we think will be the hot cards after the new Forbidden List - if you know what i mean) and put them in a small easy-to-get pack.
We're also taking this opportunity to print foil (Super-Rare) versions of some old favorites that have never been a foil before. Like Night Assailant and Book of Moon.
Also, the Tournament Packs are being retired. The Champion Packs are just plain better"
We're also taking this opportunity to print foil (Super-Rare) versions of some old favorites that have never been a foil before. Like Night Assailant and Book of Moon.
Also, the Tournament Packs are being retired. The Champion Packs are just plain better"
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Champion Pack também vai ficar á venda em Portugal?
Se leres tudo reparas que diz no texto "around the world", por isso certamente que também veêm para cá.
Parece-me bem!
Ao menos sempre calham cartas de jeito nos packs que oferecem em torneios ;)
Exactamente André.
Esse disparate chamado Ultra de TP vai desaparecer.
E o Kevin tb disse no forum que a Ultra dos novos packs vai ter uma raridade semelhante ao de qualquer expansão.
e uma mof super n ? xD
Se entedi bem os boosters são vendidos a $3.49(pelo menos na américa) o que equivale a 3€ e pouco. Isto sempre foi assim ou o preço dos boosters vai baixar? É que cá são vendidos a 5€, são quase 2€ de diferença. É que se sempre foi assim é muito injusto.
Alguém me podia exclarecer?
hey a carta promocional é mm fixe, consegues arranjar ususual?
Metamorphosis está confirmada como Super.
bem vai ser um espetáculo ter cartas usadas no metagame actual em novas raridades.
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