Shadow of Infinity - Novidades

Com a saída da revista V-Jump no Japão mais algumas informações foram dadas sobre o próximo set a sair naquele país - Shadow of Infinity - (deverá sair cá por volta de Fevereiro).
Num anterior post já tinha referido que possivelmente iriam sair 3 cartas muito parecidas com as God Cards e tal confirmou-se, pese embora os efeitos das mesmas e ainda mais as condições do summon dificilmente lhes permitirá a utilização em torneio, para além do "fun deck".
Assim, aqui ficam as cartas confirmadas:
God Flame Emperor - Uria
This card cannot be Normal Summon. This card can only be special summon by sending 3 Trap cards from your field to Graveyard. This card's attack strength would be increase by 1000 for each Continuous Trap cards in your Graveyard. Once per turn, you may destroy a Magic/Trap card that is set on opponent's field. The effect of that Magic/Trap card cannot be activate.
Descending Thunder Emperor - Hamon
This card cannot be Normal Summon. This card can only be special summon by sending 3 Continuous Magic cards from your field to Graveyard. When this card destroy an opponent's monster and it's send to Graveyard, do 1000 damages to opponent's lifepoints. When this card is on your field in face-up defense mode, this card cannot be target of attack of opponent's monster.
Phantom Emperor - Ravel
This card cannot be Normal Summon. Sacrifice 3 Demon sub-type monsters on your field to special summon this card. Whenever opponent summon a monster, special summon a "Phantom Token" (Dark/Demon/1/1000/1000) to your field. The tokens cannot declare attack. Once during your turn, you may sacrifice a monster on your field, this card's attack strength would be increase by the original attack of that monster until the End Phase of the turn.
Antique Gear Cannon
Sacriface this card, do 500 damages to opponent's lifepoints. During this turn's battle phase no player can activate Trap cards.
Antique Gear Factory
Magic - Normal
Choose a monster card with [Antique Gear] om its name in your hand. Remove from game cards with [Antique Gear] in their name from your Graveyard until the level of them is doubled of the chosen card. The chosen card, during this turn, can be summon without sacrifice.
God Flame Emperor - Uria
This card cannot be Normal Summon. This card can only be special summon by sending 3 Trap cards from your field to Graveyard. This card's attack strength would be increase by 1000 for each Continuous Trap cards in your Graveyard. Once per turn, you may destroy a Magic/Trap card that is set on opponent's field. The effect of that Magic/Trap card cannot be activate.
Descending Thunder Emperor - Hamon
This card cannot be Normal Summon. This card can only be special summon by sending 3 Continuous Magic cards from your field to Graveyard. When this card destroy an opponent's monster and it's send to Graveyard, do 1000 damages to opponent's lifepoints. When this card is on your field in face-up defense mode, this card cannot be target of attack of opponent's monster.
Phantom Emperor - Ravel
This card cannot be Normal Summon. Sacrifice 3 Demon sub-type monsters on your field to special summon this card. Whenever opponent summon a monster, special summon a "Phantom Token" (Dark/Demon/1/1000/1000) to your field. The tokens cannot declare attack. Once during your turn, you may sacrifice a monster on your field, this card's attack strength would be increase by the original attack of that monster until the End Phase of the turn.
Antique Gear Cannon
Sacriface this card, do 500 damages to opponent's lifepoints. During this turn's battle phase no player can activate Trap cards.
Antique Gear Factory
Magic - Normal
Choose a monster card with [Antique Gear] om its name in your hand. Remove from game cards with [Antique Gear] in their name from your Graveyard until the level of them is doubled of the chosen card. The chosen card, during this turn, can be summon without sacrifice.
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